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Law Offices of Suzanne St. Luce, P.A.


Key Ways To Recognize It May Be Time To Divorce

Were you aware that often most marriages do not necessarily break, they simply erode over time? This erosion may come from numerous sources  and sometimes be so slow that one partner has not realized that divorce may be imminent. 

However, when you do begin to realize what is happening it is time to think about how to best protect yourself. The first step you should take for yourself and your family is to work with a Florida law firm experienced in family law and divorce issues, like ours. Do not hesitate to contact our office and let us help.

We know you may have questions and that you are looking for help. We want to take some time to review three key ways that it may be time to divorce.

  1. There Is No Conflict Resolution. Conflict can be normal in a marriage. That being said, both partners need to have effective ways to resolve all differences without injuring the relationship. Be careful if both of you are avoiding communication so that there will not be any  disagreements or conflicts. This lack of communication often results in increasing distance between you and your partner. 
  1. There Is Increased Focus Outside The Marriage. Often when a marriage stagnates, couples compensate by finding other interests. Some put all of their energy and affection into their children so that child-centered activities become the focus of family life. Others become more involved with their careers, working late and avoiding time with their partner. As focus shifts to things outside the marriage, the glue between the partners can dissolve. 
  1. There Is An Emotional Disengagement, Disaffection, and Lack of Sex. The foundation for intimacy is usually emotional intimacy and a willingness to discuss feelings with the partner. However, as emotions disengage, partners may often say that “they fell out of love” with their spouse. If  there is no emotional attachment and affection, sex wanes as the final indicator that the partners take no pleasure in each other. 

Does any of the above sound familiar? Then it  may be time to get more information on your legal options going forward. Whether you are in the midst of a divorce filing or are considering divorce, our office is available to counsel you on how you can best protect yourself and your best interests going forward. For assistance navigating the divorce process and related legal issues, please feel free to reach out to our office to schedule a meeting time.

At the Law Offices of Suzanne St. Luce, P.A., our staff is qualified to offer a wide range of legal services. Our attorney has over 20 years of experience and we want to help you with your case. We take all cases… Personally. Please contact us for questions related to your specific situation.

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