When you are considering an international adoption there is much for you to contemplate. We know just how important it is for you to find the right attorney to represent you and your family, as well as your new child. In addition to finding a Florida attorney who understands the complex legal world of adoption, you also need to find an attorney who understands the complex legal world of immigration. It is critical the Florida attorney you choose can help you quickly and efficiently reach your goals and advise of any potential known challenges at the start.
If you are considering international adoption, we encourage you to meet with our Florida law office to discuss your goals. There are many steps involved and it may be more complicated than you first understand. We understand these challenges and can talk to you about both adoption and immigration. Let us help you by providing a few key insights right here on our blog.
1. Understanding the foreign adoption process. This process will vary by country but, overall, it refers to the legal procedures and requirements that must be followed in order to adopt a child from another country. Often, the process will include steps such as ensuring the child is an orphan or has an irretrievably broken relationship with the birth parents, completing any necessary legal documentation, obtaining a visa for the child from the foreign country’s government, and completing legal and immigration requirements in the adoptive parents’ country.
2. Considering Immigrant Visas. As the foreign adoption is completed, the adoptive parents can work with their Florida immigration attorney to apply for an immigrant visa at the United State consular office abroad. There are specific forms and requirements that must be met, varying country to country, that your attorney will be able to assist you with.
3. Validity of Foreign Adoptions and Becoming a United States Citizen. In almost all cases, a United States court will accept the formal adoption of a child from a foreign court. It is, however, important to note that a court is not required to automatically accept the foreign court proceeding. Your Florida immigration attorney will be able to advise you on this particular issue and guide you through it. This falls under The Child Citizenship Act of 2000 designed to facilitate the automatic acquisition of United States citizenship for both biological and adopted children of United States citizens who are born abroad and who do not acquire citizenship at birth. The Act requires several things including that the foreign adoption process is complete, the child is under 18 years of age, and at least one adoptive parent is a United States citizen.
For assistance navigating the divorce process and related legal issues, please feel free to reach out to our office to schedule a meeting time. At the Law Offices of Suzanne St. Luce, P.A., our staff is qualified to offer a wide range of legal services. Our attorney has over 20 years of experience and we want to help you with your case. We take all cases… Personally. Please contact us for questions related to your specific situation.