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Law Offices of Suzanne St. Luce, P.A.


Key Tips You Can Use to Help Your Children Cope During Your Divorce

Are you and your spouse planning to divorce? Do you have children? We understand that divorce is never easy. It can be especially complicated when children are involved. Are you wondering how you can be sure that your children are able to cope with the divorce in the best way possible? Are you anticipating not being able to control the feelings or reactions of your children? We would like to share four key tips with you to assist you and your children in coping with your divorce.

1. Be honest in communicating about the divorce. Talk about the fact of the divorce and how it might impact the lives of your children thoughtfully, simply and appropriately. Do not be surprised if your children have a lot of questions. They may want to know where they will live, what their schedule will be, and whether they will have to switch schools or homes. Be prepared for these questions and be honest if you do not have answers. Reassure your children that you will work to find answers to all their questions. You want your children to know that you understand the impact the divorce may have on them.

2. Keep your children from any and all conflict you and your spouse may have. Do not bring your children into any of the conflict. Do not blame or speaking negatively about the other parent. Do not look to your children for support of any kind. Your children will already be coping with the divorce in their own way and you do not want to give them any extra stress or anxiety.

3. Keep disruptions to a minimum. Keep all transitions between you and your spouse as smooth as possible. By keeping routines consistent and predictable your children will be able to adjust better to the various changes. Be sure to thoughtfully and kindly make sure they follow the rules that they know. For instance: keeping bedtime the same and being respectful of siblings. Have your children continue to do the chores they always do, like making their bed or feeding the dog.

4. You should consider counseling for your children. Even if your children appear to be coping with the news of divorce just fine, you still may want to consider some type of counseling. Your children may benefit from having their own counselor so that they have a neutral party to confide in.

We know this article may raise more questions than it answers. The first step to reaching your own unique goals for divorce is to meet with an attorney. We encourage you to contact our office to get started today. While our main office is centrally located in Broward County, we provide Florida law legal services statewide. We are here to help you navigate this challenging time.

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