As a divorced parent, are the summers especially difficult? Is arranging the summer scheduling close to impossible? Do not feel alone. In fact, it is a common struggle when children and planning their summer schedules are involved. To help you with the potential summer schedule planning struggles we would like to review four mistakes that divorced families make at this time of year. Knowing these potential mistakes, you may be able to avoid them during this busy summer season.
Not seeking counseling is a mistake. If the need should arise, it may be important for divorced parents to seek counseling for themselves or their children. There is even co-parenting counseling to help ensure parents are on the same page as their children. When the children start school again after the summer months be sure to reach out to the school counselors so that they can help your children.
Overcompensating with gifts is a mistake. Often divorced parents feel a level of guilt that their children are spending time in a different way now that there has been a divorce, so they then choose to compensate by giving lavish or over-the-top gifts. Even though this may be well-intentioned, it may be viewed as an effort to buy love, especially with older children. With a change in their family and starting back to school after the summer, children do not need gifts, they need the love, time and attention of their parents.
Putting down the job or holiday plans of the other parent and making the child feel guilty for being with the other parent is a mistake. Do not take any opportunity to put down the other parent, especially when arranging the summer schedule. Be aware that when you disparage a co-parent you not only may hurt your child’s relationship with your co-parent, but you may also hurt your own relationship with your child. Too often divorced parents mistakenly make children feel guilty for being with the other parent during the summer months. This added guilt will certainly have a negative impact on the emotional well-being of your children.
Not seeking the advice of your Florida divorce attorney is a mistake. Having a problem with the summer custody schedule, make an appointment with your Florida divorce attorney. Many times the summer schedule can highlight flaws in the current custody arrangements. Therefore, it is important to talk to your attorney about how to make any necessary changes.
Finally, when the summer begins to end, think about how to not make any mistakes by: going together to drop off the kids on the first day of school; informing the school and teachers of the family situation and both parents trying to attend school meetings, games and functions.
We understand that you may have many questions surrounding divorce and child custody. At the Law Offices of Suzanne St. Luce, P.A., our staff is qualified to offer a wide range of legal services. Our attorney has over 20 years of experience and we want to help you with your case. We take all cases… Personally. Please contact us for questions related to your specific situation.